These images explore light, surface, transparency, and
the interplay between layers of marks, textures, and colors.
Of particular interest to
me, is the relationship of the print to the sense of touch, and the ways that
marks are left behind as vestiges or evidence like fingerprints. Through the
layering of images, a sense of movement is created, as the forms are obscured
and revealed. While the work is semi-abstract, the images are derived from
natural forms, both macrocosmic and microscopic, lace patterns, maps, and non-Western
The basis for the work is
the use of etching, often in combination with chine collé (a thin paper glued
over a thicker base paper, and adhered during the printing process), painting
and drawing. This allows for the layering
of images, as well as experimentation with the possibilities found in a single
Please click images for larger view and mouse over images in slideshow for information on each piece.